We were warned that there would be great deception in the end times. We were warned there would even be many false Christs.
When I first learned about the "Qanon" narrative, I found it very appealing. Repeatedly, Q told us "God wins." He/they suggested that the treasonous network of corrupt elites running governments around the world would be brought down; that the pedophile blackmail infrastructure (administrated via sick tools like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell) would be dismantled with it; that the evil would finally be punished; that truth would be exposed, rule of law would be restored, and freedom would be rescued.
What's not to like?
And furthermore, people like us wouldn't have to get our hands dirty. There would be no major bloodshed. All we had to do was try to educate others through memes and blog posts, and the cavalry would come riding in at the perfect time to do the heavy lifting and set everything right.
Those are some huge promises that require tremendous faith to believe in right now. In fact, the Q narrative sounds a lot like what the Lord Jesus told us He would do.
There is still a corps of true believers who interpret everything going on as part of The Plan/The Storm/The Great Awakening. To most others, it appears "The Plan" has failed to deliver on all its major promises, and we are doomed to see life as we know it go from bad to worse until it becomes unbearable for decent people.

For those who have already been given over to a depraved mind, it looks like the world is finally back on track. Sure, the senile pervert being called "President" and his despotic token replacement-in-waiting aren't all that inspiring, but at least the Big Orange Meanie has been removed. Now we can get back on the right side of history with Transgender Story Hour at the Public Library, sodomizing our Armed Forces until they are simply a taxpayer-funded social experiment incapable of fighting wars; destroying what's left of the American middle class; using Cloward-Piven to slash the final thread the US economy dangles from, while printing and giving trillion$$$ to evil regimes around the globe and foreign invaders at home; provoking a pointless war with Russia while licking the boots of our communist Chinese masters; and destroying anybody who doesn't see all of this as vital progress. Yup, we are right on the verge of a Marxist Utopia. Maybe just a few murders, amnesties, and riots away.

But if your mind isn't already completely depraved, you see it all differently. The election was stolen in such a brazen in-your-face fashion, it feels like we're all test subjects in a psychological experiment gone wrong. Talking heads across the spectrum (some of whom you may have once trusted) are exposing themselves as professional liars with equally brazen gaslighting campaigns purporting the 2020 election to be legit. The Narrative is so pathetic at this point, you have to wonder if they truly care what anybody but their useful idiots believe. They're like actors reading lines from a poorly written script. We know it's garbage. They know it's garbage. But they're being paid to appear they believe what they're reading.
(Q, or Q followers anyway, often said we are "watching a movie".)
Beijing Biden is the most obvious puppet we've seen in the White House yet. Kamala Harris is such a toxic shyster, even the cultural Marxist base of the Democrat Party doesn't like her. Do you really think this was the best they could do?
The incompetent Coronavirus Narrative is so full of holes, contradictions, and clumsy lies, everyone not enslaved to Stage Four Cognitive Dissonance can see it's a hoax (not this strain of the flu itself; but the hysterical and draconian reaction to it). Wrecking our fragile service-based economy via totalitarian lockdowns, and massive election fraud via mail-in ballots, were solutions looking for a problem. The Cabal has had truly deadly tools in their arsenal for a long time--you'd think they would unveil something more convincing than a poorly-disguised seasonal flu strain with a 99.7% survival rate. The "solutions" have proven more destructive than the problem. The idiotic mask mandates; censorship of honest doctors; and blatantly manipulated death counts are so over the top that the Plandemic Hoaxers look like B-Movie villains to those of us not under the MSM's hypnotic spell.
The hypocritical injustice enforced by the courts and law enforcement at every level is also in-your-face and over the top. Marxist revolutionaries and their savage lemmings are allowed to Burn, Loot and Murder unchecked (unless they threaten the homes/neighborhoods of the Marxist politicians who enable them). The only ones targeted by "law enforcement" are those who defend themselves from the bloodthirsty mobs; and political enemies who walked through an open door into "the People's House" and took selfies. This is epic mustache-twirling, for anyone with eyes to see.
High-ranking military officers were purged by the Obama Regime if they didn't demonstrate adequate allegiance to the New World Order. Now the enlisted ranks are being purged of everyone who doesn't hate America.
Phrases like "upside-down" and "clown world" are used to describe the state of affairs right now; but they don't begin to hint at the gravity, insanity, depravity, or downright evil of what is taking place. It also fails to suggest the smoldering rage Americans are feeling right now. Americans not yet handed over to a depraved mind, that is.
The scenario we are living through is downright contrived, if you think about it. It is very much like a movie, wherein the odds against the good guys, the dramatic tension, the detestable villainy of the antagonists, and what is at stake have all been amplified to ridiculous proportions. It looks as though all is lost.
What a perfect setup for the cavalry to come riding in to save the day.
I am not so much worried that the Plan has failed. I worry that the Plan is progressing perfectly.
During our last Depression, the orchestrated crisis was sold to the public as a failure of the Free Market. FDR rode in on a white horse, wielding socialist central planning and Keynesian economics in the form of the New Deal to rescue the poor, tied to the railroad tracks by those dastardly laissez-faire do-nothing small government villains. It was all theater and the New Deal made the crisis worse; but the false prophets of the press convinced about 70% of the population to believe The Narrative anyway.
In Europe, you know who was cast as the villain. Stalin and the Allies rode in on the white horses. One genocidal tyrant was replaced with another even worse, but the world swallowed The Narrative fed to it by the false prophets.
The Bible warns us that a pseudo-Christ will one day arrive, riding in on a white horse to "rescue" the world. He will actually be an operative of the Dragon (the Serpent, Devil, Satan) and will lead the world into open rebellion against the Creator God. But before the Beast rides in, there will be many false saviors.
The enemy is not original. He is a counterfeiter. His false messiah will try to duplicate what the real Messiah has done. His Narrative will seem to hit many of the same highlights that God's narrative hits.
The Q narrative looks like a small-scale counterfeit of the Revelation, with Trump or General Flynn or somebody else riding in to take the throne as a national "god emperor"--which is exactly what many people want. Since every last check and balance against tyranny has been neutralized by perverse enemy agents infesting every single institution, the "alt right" and others are drinking the Kool-Aid and clamoring for a king. Because, you know, it took two centuries to overcome the separation of powers in our republic; obviously it would take much longer to corrupt a single man. We need to abolish freedom of speech, because porn. We need to suspend due process and presumption of innocence, because lawyers. We need to disarm American citizens, because ________. Just place absolute power in the hands of one person. What could possibly go wrong?

If some "god emperor" rides in on a white horse, exposes the pedophile networks, puts a stop to the riots, has corrupt elites arrested and convicted by military tribunals, Deplorables and Q followers would rejoice. But educated idiots, social media NPCs, and garden variety leftards would be appalled. To them, anything that doesn't make all of it even worse is "white supremacy" or something.
How does the enemy win them over with "the Storm"? Frankly, the Devil already owns them, along with the elite figureheads nominally in charge. What did he do to Hitler and Mussolini after they had served their purpose?
Which leads us to the vaccines, perhaps. While the Cabal did everything it could to maximize the death count from COVID-1984, then lied and fudged numbers when that didn't sound bad enough; they are trying to suppress news of the people dying from the "cure." The Mask Karens and other NPCs are taking it voluntarily. If it turns out these vaccines alter DNA or create a genetic marker to be targeted by a forthcoming virus, the bovine masses may not be much of a factor in the future. It won't matter what they feel about the Plan/Storm/Great Awakening/whatever, because they'll win the Darwin Award and be gone.
God revealed to us, through the prophets, that the world would suffer catastrophic population reductions toward the end. And enormous population reduction is exactly what some of the vaxers want to see happen. They are persuading people to take the stab after granting the vaxers legal immunity in case of death or other adverse effects. They are now telling the herd that 2nd and 3rd vaccines are necessary, and convincing our existing institutions to go along with "vaccine passports" as part of the New Normal.
Whether or not the vaccines will accomplish the catastrophic population reduction prophesied by God and desired by His enemies; massive death
will happen one way or another. We are staring war, famine, and pestilence all in the face right now. There are plenty of tools that can be used.
It does feel like we're watching a movie. And movies are designed to sell you a narrative. They are crafted expertly to make you suspend disbelief and not think too deeply about how all the plot elements fit together.
What will you be willing to give up if the Q Plan does come to fruition, in a moment of acute desperation? If the worst elements of evil are swiftly and decisively eradicated by some god emperor who rides to the rescue on a white horse with the cavalry, will you not pledge your eternal allegiance to that "god emperor"? Most will, and they'll party like it's 1999. It's a perfect setup--from the brink of utter despair to a bold new future under a strong, charismatic leader. Happy days are here again.

Most people will never even consider that Q was just another (more sophisticated and Machiavellian) Cabal operation. But the enemy works like that. They'll give you a victory over some Hitlers, Tojos, and Mussolinis, in order to make you slaves to a Stalin or a Mao, or to accept a "new deal" that begins boiling the frog. Great Reset, baby. New Normal. Great Society. New Age. Camelot. Hope & Change. Great Leap Forward. Fourth Reich. Holy Roman Empire. New Babel. Roll up your sleeves. Step up to the plate. Do your part to help defeat _________ and usher in the ________ that the world so badly needs.
One day the King of Kings will return and rule the world with a rod of iron, from David's throne in Jerusalem. When that happens, I will become a devout monarchist. All disciples of Jesus will. But don't be deceived by the imposters who try to usurp His authority before that day comes.
God works in patterns. His creation, even after being corrupted, is a constellation of patterns. History is full of them.
America was founded by God-fearing men, who built a country designed to honor God. Remember the original nation founded by God-fearing men, designed to honor God: Israel.
Yaweh blessed Israel tremendously, and expected them to serve Him alone. But Israel wanted to be ruled by an earthly king, instead. Under their human monarchy, Israel went from bad to worse. The nation suffered civil war, secession, utter depravity, poverty, military conquest, exile and balkanization, and lost the Land they inherited by birthright to heathen scum who were too ignorant to appreciate and care for it.
America will not be saved by placing its faith in a human ruler. Quite the opposite